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Healing Crystal & Tibetan Bowls

On this album you'll hear the sound of crystal, glass and metal bowls merged into a sonic union. The compositions are for the sacred body, meditations for the temple of our soul.
"Sound touches the soul and creates patterns within; sound sets matter in vibration and thus creates vibrational patterns; sound moves matter. Accordingly, body and soul are also moved by sound; and so, we continuously act according to the sounds around us". (Danny Becher)

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With This CD based once again on the integral sounds of bowls, Danny Becher places himself at the forefront of sound healing purveyors. This time the title reflects exactly what comprises the music: "Healing Crystal & Tibetan Bowls", as the sounds generated by crystal and metal merge into a sonic union which is harmonic and powerfully meditative. He sets an atmosphere that brims with vibrational goodness, with a varied selection of gongs and singing bowls from China and Burma. There are three lengthy tracks, each nearly twenty-five minutes, to activate and soothe the sacred body, offering meditations for the temple of our soul. First is 'Root to Heart Chakra', then 'Heart to Crown Chakra'. Finally, 'Sacred Body', which is a movement through all seven energy or chakra centres, to balance and tune the system. It is easy to immerse yourself in the sacred sound of this CD, as Becher taps into specific resonance fields with a naturally relaxing nature. The sound chambers of the bowls have been known to be useful for healing/recovery, pain relief and reducing symptoms of depression. You will find yourself being moved in subtle yet tangible ways by these sounds as they emanate from the speakers to surround you, inside and out.
~ Lloyd Barde, Backroads Music

Touched by sound

Sound and vibration affect consciousness. This notion forms the basis for ritual use of drums and other instruments in the shamanic religions. Certain sounds are used as therapy in many cultures. The use of bells, cymbals and singing bowls is common in meditative practices. Danny Becher utilizes the healing sound of metals, wood, granite, glass and crystal in musical instruments from various parts of Asia as well as the human voice for an inspirational meditation.
On this CD you will hear Tibetan, Thai, Japanese bowls and bells, Chinese and Burmese gongs, the Kalimba, black Rajasthani granite stone slabs, Himalayan conch, glass and crystal bowls and Danny's voice with over- and undertones.

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Danny Becher is a master of tonal sound healing. His tools of the trade include a wide variety of bowls, gongs, cymbals, conches, stones, kalimbas, and the human voice and its overtones. His goal as a musician is to become the instrument himself. Given the ancient nature of these instruments and their place in time and history, he is clearly taking on multiple past life experiences as well. The countries of origin of his palette of sound include Tibet, Thailand, China, Burma, India and the Himalayas, and the use of glass, crystal, wood, metal and stone allow him to dip into the properties of the many elements as well. Seven tracks expand into nearly 70 minutes of listening, in which sound and vibration affects consciousness, and the many interlinking sustained tones draw the listener deep into the sound chambers. His pathways of sounds enter into our innermost worlds and allow for the quieting of the mind.
~Lloyd Barde, Backroads Music

In Resonance

Haunting and beautiful sound-sculptures in 7 movements for singing bowls from Tibet, Nepal, Thailand, Japan, Glass Bowls, Arabian Lute, Chinese temple gongs, wind gongs and overtone chanting. These soundscapes provide the perfect atmosphere for relaxation, meditation, healing, and spiritual development.
Danny Becher is an internationally renowned expert on sound and music healing and teaches seminars around the world. He was educated in music and studies Western classical music theory. Trained in Belcanto classical singing style, traditional Indian music & chanting, Gregorian interpretation and overtone chanting he now has developed his own style of healing through voice and sound. Danny also lived in India for 9 years, working in an Ayurvedic-Institute, and a multi-cultural-centre. All of these experiences have contributed to his unique approach to the powerful effects of sound and music.

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Tibetan Singing Bowls

In addition to the musical effect of the singing bowls and a Chinese gong, pulsating sounds between the right and left bowls create a vibrational pattern. This pattern can tune brainwaves into alpha and theta states. A balancing and harmonizing effect between the left and right side of the brain occurs with these 3 wonderful pieces.
Danny Becher, born 1953 in Germany, teaches seminars on musical phenomena, sound healing, and gives concerts around the world. He has lived in India for 9 years, working in an Ayurvedic Institute, and as a designer and organizer in a multi-cultural-centre. While there, he studied yoga and Indian Classical music. "By listening to overtones you experience improved concentration, articulation and hearing. You could say that we are listening into another dimension, a dimension that is always there but we are usually unaware of." Danny Becher

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Тибетские поющие чаши – древнее средство медитации, приобретающее в последнее время всё большую популярность. Прозрачное, насыщенное обертонами звучание поющих чаш – прекрасная энергетически насыщенная музыка для медитации и целительства. Danny Becher, автор предлагаемых Вам альбомов, много экспериментирует с воздействием резонанса и обертонов на психику человека, используя для этой цели голос и некоторые особые музыкальные инструменты. В своих альбомах он пытается передать тонкие, едва уловимые прикосновения вибраций Высших Сфер в поэтической форме с минимальными искажениями, вносимыми обычно исполнителем. Создаваемая Бечером музыка представляет огромную ценность для людей, занимающихся глубокой релаксацией, медитацией и целительством.

LIVSFLÖDET - Ulrika Ajax Danny Becher


Livsflödet 2007-10-20
En härlig vägledning till inskit om vart jag befinner mig. Ulrika har en lugn och jämn röst. Vägledningen är enkel men kraftfull. Jag tycker den passar alla men kanske allra bäst för den som inte vill meditera själv och kanske inte är så van. Fint hjälpmedel även till de som sitter tillsammans i grupp. Musiken är underbar. Inga störande eller oväntade ljud. Man kan med fördel meditera till den flera gånger och upptäcka att man når flera olika plan.

Picture: LIVSFLÖDET - Ulrika Ajax Danny Becher -